4 Effective SEO Strategies to Boost Your Blog Even Better

Jenn Pereira
8 min readJun 13, 2018


Whatever your reason for starting your own blog, it boils down to same old goals: drive traffic into it and generate passive income in the long run. Regardless of your niche or your blog’s purpose, it is necessary to master the right marketing tools for users to check your site and keep coming back. Successful blogs have learned these over time so it is not impossible for you to do the same.

When you are learning how to start a blog of your own, you definitely encountered the term Search Engine Optimization or simply SEO. Actually, there are tons of techniques to help you generate traffic to your blog and SEO is one of them. SEO is a collection of techniques that targets to improve your site’s ranking in search engines like Google or Bing. When you rank higher, the more you become visible to your target audience and therefore will increase the number of users visiting your site.

What’s nicer is that there are so many SEO strategies that you can try to improve your blog’s WordPress SEO. Shall we begin?

1. Maximize Your WordPress SEO

Most people say that WordPress is SEO-friendly which is why they chose it as their platform. As much as it is true, there are plenty of tricks and tweaks that you can do. Maximizing your WordPress site’s capability is one SEO strategy that you should not skip.

Here are some blogging tips that could be helpful especially if you are starting up:

  • Make sure your blog’s search engine visibility option is not checked. This is a feature of a WordPress site that prevents search engines to access your site when you are not yet fully ready to go public. If you are not appearing in search engines, better check this one out.
  • Log in to the admin of your WordPress account and proceed to the Settings and the Reading option. There you’ll find the Search Engine Visibility.
  • Use WordPress themes that are SEO-friendly. Some of you thinks that themes are for appearance and layout only but they affect SEO for blogs as well. EasyBlog Themes build quality WordPress blog themes with SEO in mind.
  • Another basic SEO strategy is to look for a WordPress SEO plugin and install it in your site. There are plenty of free plugins available in the market that aims to improve SEO performance so it is just a matter of finding which suits your preference.

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2. Create and Publish SEO-Friendly Content

It may sound overrated, but writing high quality and SEO-friendly content never goes out of style. This is one of the SEO strategies that needs a lot of work because it is what you will communicate to your readers. No matter how good you are at technicalities, if your content is not engaging enough then you could never go as far.

Here are some of my personal blogging tips to make any SEO articles and content better:

  • Use headings and subheads in your content. If you’re using WordPress, they have this heading options in the settings. By using headlines and sub-headers, you break your content into organized topics. This makes any article more readable and search engines will find it easier to understand what your content is all about.
  • Next is, incorporate links properly. Most likely you have come across blog pages that contain links or citations to other sites. This act suggests to search engines that your content is relevant to that of another author’s link. However one must be mindful to only place useful links to that of your current editorial and not just some endless promotion of products or else your SEO rankings will spiral down.
  • Adjust the length of your editorial, not too brief nor too lengthy. Search engines give higher rankings to longer articles however not most of your readers will enjoy reading a 3000-word article. If the article does not require too much discussion, at least 300 words will do. If it calls for more details, then 700 words would be enough for an engaging content.
  • Choose and use keywords appropriately. A very wise SEO strategy involves learning how to come up with the right keywords for a content. In the past, authors would start writing an editorial then think of what keywords to incorporate in it. Now, it is strategic to decide on what keywords should be used first then write an engaging content using them.
  • There are a couple of free tools available to help in keyword generation and even analyze keyword trends. Check them out and be mindful to place keywords in your headlines, sub-topics and main text.
  • Optimize images in your content. Photos have large impact on your blog post. They give life to a series of words thus making your content more enjoyable to read. While it is important to place only relevant photos, be mindful of the size and quality of the photos you are using. As much as possible use the smallest size without sacrificing the quality. Large size pictures slow down your page and can lower down your SEO as well.

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3. Practice Quality Link Building

If you have been doing SEO for blogs on your own, then link building should not sound so foreign at all. It involves bit by bit of content writing, marketing, programming and sales. Link building becomes a necessary skill to learn because it plays a big factor in Google’s ranking. Once you have mastered this SEO strategy, it solves you half of the puzzle of generating traffic to your site already.

Here’s a diagram showing how a backlink works.

There are several ways on how you can work on with your site’s link building.

  • Guest Posting — Simply put, you will find a page (popular and relevant to your niche) then present to write a post for them. If they approve of your write-up, then good for you. That’s instant marketing promotion from there and you have successfully linked with a quality website. The more you appear on other sites and write highly valuable content, you increase your authority as an expert for a certain niche or topic. And search engines also take into consideration that part and will later reward you for it with better SEO rankings. Well-thought of guest blogging opportunities will increase not just your site’s traffic and backlinks but also your social media presence. Go and give it a try!
  • Directory Submission — An additional SEO strategy for link building is through web directory listing of your site. Search engines count these listings as online presence that supports your page. Other directories may lead to business partnerships with other sites and businesses as well.

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  • Social Bookmarking — This is another good-old SEO strategy that is used by users to add, share and manage online bookmarks. Bookmarking if done correctly can boost your SEO by drawing site visitors and potential clients. It helps you also as a site owner find other businesses. Yahoo Bookmarks and Google Bookmarks are one of the popular social bookmarking sites.

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4. Social Media Signals

The world has quickly evolved in to a social media fanatic, hence websites or blogs that have intense social media presence will most likely to dominate their specific niche in a matter of time.

With how powerful social media has evolved upto date, it is no longer a surprise that social media signals may have impact on your SEO rankings as well. It now matters how many likes you Facebook page gets or how big your Following is. It now makes sense to have more Facebook shares or have many tweets mentioning you. Whether social signals have direct or indirect impact on SEO, social media provoke users engagement, which is a big factor on driving more traffic to a website. Therefore, require you to work hard on growing your social media accounts.

The following SEO ideas will be very helpful if your accounts are not as big as you want them yet in its social media counterpart.

  • Sign up your business page for social media accounts and start advertising your page to increase your Following and affiliates.
  • Make sure you publish engaging content regularly on your blog page and have it shared on your social media accounts. Have a teaser on your Facebook if a post is soon to be publishing. Or send a tweet that a new blog post is out on your site.
  • Engage in your social media pages cheerfully and encourage viewers to leave comments and reviews.

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SEO strategies may vary from each user or webmaster but basics will continue to play their part if applied well. If you are not currently happy with your SEO rankings then maybe at least one SEO strategy above might for you. The internet is a giant oyster and as long as you have identified clearly your goals, there will always be SEO tools and strategies that could assist you.

Whether you decide to focus on link building or content generation at the moment is entirely up to you. SEO for blogs may seem complicated at first glance but once you get the hang of it, you will skyrocket your success to the top.

If this post helps, I would sure love to hear your thoughts. Or if you have any additional or personal SEO boosting strategies that worked for you, feel free to share by leaving a comment.

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Originally published at easyblogthemes.com on June 13, 2018.



Jenn Pereira
Jenn Pereira

Written by Jenn Pereira

Loves to travel & innovate awesome stuffs like Websites. Web Design is my Profession but I love SEO & Marketing. Photography is my passion. https://removal.ai

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